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JUDO ACT Registration Renewals in times of Government Measures to control COVID-19

Judo ACT hopes you are staying safe and keeping well. These unprecedented times are requiring us to learn new ways to interact with each other. We also support and understand the Government measures taken to prioritise the health and safety of all of us.

These are challenging times with all ACT Clubs effectively closing their doors, resulting from government imposed restrictions which will significantly impact on our sport.

Judo ACT is doing what we can to support you during these difficult times. As a first step, the ACT is adapting to these changes and will postpone registration renewals which for most is 1 July 2020.

Judo registrations will resume when Government measures are lifted and when Judo activities return to normal (ie when Judo Clubs reopen). Reflective of these difficult times, Judo ACT will not pass on Judo Australia’s price increase to our membership effective from 1 July 2020.

The ACT will have a new online registration process that will allow individuals to register when Judo resumes and members renew their registration. This membership will be 12 months from renewal. The online registration system will be available from 1 July 2020 for those members who wish to register.

Judo ACT remains committed and looks forward to the time we can resume normal Judo activities.

We know that these measures, whilst difficult, will help protect everyone in our community. You may find the following information listed on the IJF website useful in the current COVID-19 climate.

Member Of

Judo Australia Sport Australian Institute of Sport Combat Sport

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