Since the last Judo ACT communication, the COVID-19 measures have escalated further with the Government now closing gyms and indoor sporting venues. We are now facing circumstances that are unprecedented and it is a challenging time for us all.
These responses are to protect those most at risk and help slow the spread of the virus.
To ensure we can continue in a healthy and safe manner, it is important that you look after yourselves and each other. Please make sure you follow the guidance provided of social distancing and increased hygiene practices.
As previously communicated, in an attempt to protect the interests of all stakeholders, Judo ACT has cancelled all planned State team preparations leading up to the Nationals which have been postponed indefinitely. Once the critical period is over, we will determine the best solutions to move forward with.
In these challenging times, we need to be resilient and protect each other, and we urge you all to apply the principles of judo and set an example for those around us.
Once again, we ask that you remain vigilant and limit your interaction with the community if you or a family member:
has recently travelled overseas (last 14 days)
has had ‘close contact’ with a confirmed case of COVID-19
is unwell with cold or flu like symptoms (these include collective symptoms such as fever, breathing difficulties such as breathlessness, cough, sore throat, fatigue or tiredness.)
is currently ‘self-isolating’ due to suspected COVID-19 infection
is currently being tested or has been confirmed as having COVID-19.
The visual below is a simple representation of staying safe during the Corona COVID-19 outbreak.